Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas/ Happy Hanaku...Jewmas (whatever you guys celebrate) Happy Kawanza, or Hooraa (no idea what you guys do)
Congratulations Ash and Mark, hope she's as cute as you are.
No, I wasn't on the stick in this one ;)
For those curious, the little 150 (Checkers) has her landing gear finished and installed, new tires, and intertubes, new door plexi (windows), new wheel bearings, and a complete avionics package (IFR steam gauges) waiting to be installed. (Bought for 300 smackers/pistol whippings. Why won't the bank tellers just listen and put the money in the damn bag...amateurs.)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Shine On
As some of you may or may not have noticed the number of posts have significantly dropped off during the course of this past year, partially due to unreliable internet access, partially due to lack of time on my part. So with that being said, it's with a slow and reluctant had that I type this post.
With the added pressure to return to Kentucky for Uncle Sam, and the demands that the project are tolling, splitting time with work and worry, I've determined that making any progressive entries here is just something that's not as feasible as I would like. So I'm temporarily putting a halt to it, instead of letting it hang in the foreground incomplete. The Cessna project carries on of course, and I've more than a few hundred photo's of work completed so far, far too many to start posting with any negotiable story line. Add into the fact that I'm in a time and place where not much is really happening, I've grand ideas that I'm slowly working on getting off the ground but for the most part they're all in development and won't really come to term immediately. So with that, I kindly tip my hat to everyone who kept up with this BLOG. When the plane (Whom I've named Checkers as a tip off to the paint scheme I'm going with) is complete I will start my ramblings again. Cross country adventures with lessons learned from instructing when that chapter starts in my life. Not too distant future mind you, I'm not sitting on my hands down here.
So till then, may everyone's landings be soft and gentle (commercial air or GA) and never mind the large red blinking light on the instrument panel, probably an electrical fluke somewhere.
P.S If there have been no signs of life to this Blog by January '08 someone come down here to Florida and find out what happened to me.
Contact at
AIM: AirTransRecon
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Current Photos
Shiny from Tip to Tail
Pilots side, before removal and reconstruction
After extensive cleaning and re-assembly. Note the lack of 30 year old hydro jello in the hull. Co-Pilot side
Pilot's side after.
Plenty more where these came from, i's just a pain to upload them to Blogger. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
UPDATES FOR ALL...someone for one or another
The first actual, functional, MOVING (without binding cracking, or causing the comical total collapse of the aircraft) parts have been refurbished and installed. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the rudder pedals....(sounds of crickets)
Ok, nothing spectacular but bear in mind this is probably the most difficult assembly to remove, tear down, clean, sand, paint, semi-reassemble, install, remove, correct small issues and reinstall again of the whole aircraft. This is however a turning point as it marks the end of tearing the plane down and signifies the resurrection has begun. I can't begin to tell you the amount of grim and crude that was removed after 30 years of abuse, but the interior is all shiny bare clean metal, a significant swap from the state it was in when I got her. Pictures to follow shortly, next up is stripping the cowling and tail control surfaces. Working on a paint scheme to follow. Think I've got a named worked up as well.
A note for Ash, the only person from my past who keeps up with this scribbling, Yep I fully intend to put myself inside and go flying in this thing. Yourself and Mark of course can have a ride anytime you like.
(Trust me I'd never get this bird off the ground if the FAA really REALLY didn't think it could fly.)
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Ladies and Jiggle Fish
May I present for the world's eyes to see, one and all, CESSNA C-150M from way back in 1977....N103LE.
Along with her sister ship 707NC, an even more ripely aged gal from the 70's A CESSNA C-150L (For sale upon completion, with low time 0-200A)
After a disappointing trip to the hills of Tennessee, topped off with questionable driving directions, I returned to Florida empty handed as far as aircraft were concerned. Little did I know that forces were at work in places that probably should not be seen anyway (never mind the man behind the curtain, this guy shouldn't be exposed to the general public at all, curtain or otherwise) and not one but TWO intact, supposedly flyable aircraft had been tracked down, looked over and bought more or less with thin the same three hour span by someone who I had expected to sit back and laugh at my efforts rather than pitching in, my own father. On the contrary the Old Timer pulled out a win from seemingly nowhere...then promptly handed me the bill for both aircraft...ahh the catch.
After recuperating next to an attractive yet heavy handed nurse, a deal was struck between the two parties involved (myself, Hereafter referred to as Aircraft Monkey, and Dad hereafter known as The guy holding the Cash and the Keys) that delivers a complete aircraft to my person, loaded with avionics of my choice (especially since I'm paying for them anyway) for the penance of completing both and selling the other. Still don't know what I've actually gotten myself into, but the short version of the long story is that at 25, I have my own aircraft to do with what I please.
So far, after about a weeks worth of effort I'm removed the interior entirely from 103 including the instruments, rudder pedals and bars (no easy task there) all plastics and anything not riveted to the frame. Just finished cleaning off what little corrosion could be found inside the fuselage and removed the hydraulic fluid that had pooled over the years in the floor boards. Interesting tenancy I've discovered, Hydro fluid degrades into a substance not unlike Jello after a few years exposed to heat and air. Edibility on the other hand is questionable but if you've a sibling or a roommate with a pet you don't particularly care for I suggest giving them a sample first before any experimentation of your own. Remember 9-1-1 is the stateside emergency number, you may want to contact your lawyer as well...just in case.
Stay tuned for more, updates to follow next Tuesday. Along with progress photos. Yes I did get her with wings and tail feathers before anyone asks.
And if someone can tell me where to find carpet patterns for these birds, as well as a headliners and landing gear coverings, I'd be in your debt.
Friday, August 3, 2007
One Step Forward....
So let the show begin. This coming Monday I'm loading up in the ze ol' Prelude and heading North to investigate throughly two potential purchases that could make my flying life a little bit easier. Through alot of drinking and web searching (with supportive late night drinking) I've located two OLD school Cessna 150's from the early days of mid 50's and 60's aviation. Tre Cool Oui?
One of these aircraft is challenged to say the least. If a metaphor could be conjured to represent the humorous yet tragic life this poor old testimate to small aircraft has had it would best be put as a retarded monkey hurled from the tree by it's other jolly primate friends anxious to protect the species. That's not to say the little machine doesn't have potential, it's just in really, REALLY bad shape. Flipped over in a storm, both wings are essentially scrap metal. The fuselage is intact for the most part, and includes a supposedly working engine. It would be a monster under taking, includes a distinct lack of instruments, and would demand my utmost attention every waking day if I have any chance of getting it air worthy in the next six months. Not likely the case I'm afraid.
The other, and much improved, aircraft is of the 66 vintage and is described as not needing alot of attention. Some wing damage on both sides but nothing as severe as a flip from a wind storm. Paints shot, engine is in pieces and according o the owners, "She's not really seen the light a day fer 'bout ten year now" PERFECT. It's at least been in some sort of structure and out of the elements. The wings have been taken off and stored at another location but it sounds as if a restoration wouldn't be a monumental effort. No engine (not assembled anyway), but instruments in the panel. At least one step in the right direction.
SO, on this road trip I will seek, I will explore, I will bring a digi-cam and get as much info on these wayward birds as I can. Divert to Louisville eventually and find center with my closest's and if one of these little beasties comes through in spades and I decide to tackle my own aircraft, this blog will become a running journal of the progress made in addition to my stream of clever and wise-assed-ness.
If it all falls through though....gone. ATP academy, without looking back.
Coin is in the air...what will it be?
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Day in the life of a Line guy at *insert company name here as not to be sued*
5:00 am: Crawl from bed, half awake, wondering what that damn noise is and why the sun isn't illuminating the world as its contracted to do. Contemplate calling in (even though no one is on station to pick up the phone) and blowing off the day to fly the coast line of Florida, pay extortion like prices for bad breakfast and lunch later but enjoy every second of it.
5:15 am: Slam the alarm clock again and repeat the above steps. Add to list critical decision point: Price of AVGAS vs. current bank account. Grit teeth, head to shower, go to work.
6:00 am: Meet disgruntled flight crew at front door, stranded from the night before. Demanding as much coffee as you also need in order to function. Weigh options of vacating again in exchange for day of flying.
6:20 am: Fellow gas monkey arrives 20 minutes late, believes nothing is wrong with this. Sump storage tanks, note 2 or more gallons of water in Jet Fuel tank 3 from thunderstorm the night before. Think nothing of this as Jet Engines are known to run on crude oil if heated properly. Decide to not tell the flight crew from earlier this fact. Continue sumping, lawsuits are not fun, nor is being bought and sold for cigarettes and the local penitentiary.
6:30 am: Complete sumps, begin paperwork
8:00 am: Complete paperwork, file paperwork, loose paperwork, hand deliver paperwork to abandoned file cabinet, backlogged 1964. Suggest a new filing system to fellow gas monkey. Abandon idea as realization that more paperwork would be involved in order to start a new system...only to be more confusing than the last. Question ethics of current management and consider implications of accusing *insert company name here* of harsh work environment. Reason: One and a half hours wasted on paperwork, cruelty.
9:00 am (Weekends) Begin the mass Gen Aviation landings for the local restaurant. Spend the next few hours on the ramp, marshalling, fueling, remarshing, ducking, refueling, running, hiding, praying that the "international" flight student doesn't kill you with his Cessna 150 via his taxi skills (or lack there of), fueling, swearing at the aviation gods, contemplate RAMP CLOSED sign at the Taxi entrance, neglect to tell tower of this plan, giggle at the ensuing pile up/confusion. Instruct next three arrivals on which airport has the REALLY cheap gas, prominently display wrong name on work shirt that you stole from another fuel monkey earlier in the week. Return to line office, hide in small corner, study for IFR written.
11:00 am: See above, only in reverse for breakfast club departures. Prepare for inbound lunch fliers looking for the $100 burger. Remind yourself that as a pilot, you could be doing the same thing, only at another airport. Graciously accept the one dollar tip from the pilot who almost killed you and the entire FBO weekend crew by fast taxing himself inches from the fuel truck "to make it easier on you guys when you top off my bird." Question the current FAA training standards. Blow tip on Rolaids from vending machine.
12:00 pm: Check schedule in-between arrivals to note who to call at end of shift for being late. (Plan on it happening) Note the unexplained change that has you working a double on Sunday. Also note lack of managers to justify this small detail. Cancel afternoon flight plans. Swear again at Aviation Gods.
12:00 pm: Receive phone call from slacker line monkey (ironically the one from which the afore mentioned shirt was stolen) informing you that he's not coming in and that you're now a solo act till 10pm. Demand head on platter, contents of wallet, first born and keys to his car. Make mental note to run him down with lawn mower barrowed from airport maintenance. Reluctantly call in back up monkey, prepare to endure tales of other *insert FBO name here* adventures where life was better, only dealt with jet aircraft, high fashion models and *baking soda* shipments. Question ethics of management again, question character of back up monkey.
1:00 pm Remember that the rest of the day will be low and slow, slack off on the computer, surf Sporty's pilot shop online, cruise eBay looking for Citizen aviation watch, also look for anti aircraft cannon for ultra light/cirrus defense. (FKING cirrus pilots....) Laugh at "international" flight students attempt at radio work, hide in line office to avoid being run over by 150 that's better placed in local airport bone yard.
Remember, YOU'RE a pilot first, a line guy second and despite your education; you've no problem living off Ramen noodles if you get to fly the rest of your life.
...Chicken and beef are the best flavors.
Contact local avionics shops and offer to fly for food/hours, no matter how questionable the airframe is.
The War's not over, but one battle may be won.
The House got it right; an FAA funding bill that would modernize the air traffic control system, increase airport funding, and do it all within the existing tax structure. And no ATC user fees!
"The leadership of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and aviation subcommittee refused to be bullied by the airlines or accept the FAA's claims of poverty," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "They took a reasoned, rational look at what needed to be done and how to pay for it, and delivered a solution that promotes the interests of all segments of aviation.
"We will ask AOPA members to let their congressional representatives know that we support the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2007 (H.R.2881)," Boyer said. "And we thank Transportation Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.), aviation subcommittee Chairman Jerry Costello (D-Ill.), and ranking members John Mica (R-Fla.) and Thomas Petri (R-Wis.) for their vision in crafting this bipartisan bill that would ensure America's air transportation system remains the best in the world."
Working within the existing funding structure of aviation fuel taxes and passenger ticket taxes, the bipartisan House bill would provide historic funding levels for the FAA over the next four years.
The long and short of it...More money to the right places, no user fees, and the airline has to tow their own damn rope as they should.
The downside...
AVGAS taxes will increase, but that's almost a promised event in any government action. It's a small victory for now, but the bill must still be passed. Here's hoping.
Friday, June 1, 2007
In aviation the battlefields are the airports and airspace, the tactics and weapons, user fees and taxation. And the Air Transport Association has opened with intersting first strike in the open public realm. This slick add has been making apperances across CNN and a few other news organizations. It's cartoony and caters to the un-informed which is a very dangerous thing. If I can't post it here you can find it on
...actually there isn't much you can't see on YouTube come to think of it.
To counter, AOPA has returned fire with their own commercial (which has yet to appear on YouTube oddly) outlining the reality of air traffic delays. It's not slick or cartoony, but instead straight forward and to the point. Link goodness
Between these two commercials and the growing support in both directions, it seems that aviation is getting poised to become a rather heated issue in the not too distant future. Honestly it feels like I'm watchig two presidential campaigns gearing up to slug it out based on the amount of effort that's been placed on these ads. Stay tuned kids, electees come and go, but this will effect flying forever.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The last few weeks have been an adventure. Beyond scoring my pilot's license and having a damn good time on clear days, I've been traveling a great deal but more by roads than by air. Something that I've learned is that if you have a pilot's license a 14 hour drive that was already a soul crushing mindless zig-zag of highways becomes an absolute teeth grinding annoyance when you're forced by weather to long haul it from
If you've never been to the Derby or experienced Louisville the week NAY the month leading up to the race then you, my friend, have no idea what kind of place that city really is when it turns on. Between the Pegasus Parade, the Air Show, Thunder over Louisville, The Great Bed Races (don't ask, I still haven’t figured out what it has to do with the event either) The Great Steam Boat race, the fashion that appears everywhere, concerts downtown, the food and multitude of festivities that can be found from block to another, a better time in another city, save for Marti Gras in New Orleans, is a hard thing to locate. The alcohol flows just as freely. If I didn't have friends and family in the
Speaking of friends and family, I spent this particular trip visiting previously unexplored areas of
Words will never do the
Off To The Race! For the first time I placed bets on a slew of contenders for the run for the roses. Two of them actually came through in spades. I've had a feeling that a change of luck was forth coming; especially after picking up my wings, this little bonus added to it that much more. It's going to be a good year.
On the
Pre-Derby news, the Sun-N-Fun event passed while this page sat idle. What a treat that turned out to be, especially being an insider who's also in good graces with the board of directors or the event. Open pass to anything and everything, free demo flights and the watchful guide from a good friend who's leading me through the steps of self made employment. After Sun-N-Fun this year I stumbled onto several ideas that could improve not only the fly-in, but the general well being of aviation all together. Some are specific to
To wrap it up, this blog will go to a once a week updated basis, simply for the practice more than anything else, and ultimately a running commentary on the up and coming battle for the future of General Aviation. During the fly-in I became a member of AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Association) for the sole purpose of getting into the fight against the Proposed "Next Generation Air Transportation System Financing Reform Act." To me as well as thousands of others I imagine the fight is personal. We've all come this far to be Pilot's and we will all be damned before someone else tries to restrict us even further from the thing we love most in this world. This is not
Friday, April 6, 2007
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
One More Step
What does this all mean, why am I concerning myself with a mountain of paperwork (of which I only need about three or four important sources) ? Why am I going to be up all night tonight and tomorrow reviewing everything I've ever learned about flying since first looking at an aircraft? Why am I dragging this post out to ridiculous proportions? Why am I obsessed lately about orals and their subsequent consequences should I fail to preform (or worse contract something horrible) ? Two Words!
The time has come that I shed the proverbial training wheels and get into the cockpit of an airplane with a total stranger who's not only entrusting his life to my hands he will ultimately decided whether or not I've got what it takes to be a pilot... a private pilot...right after a generous donation of $350 dollars to his bank account...
Moving on. Thursday (April 5th) at 11am I begin the two part FAA check ride that starts with an oral aeronautical exam followed by a practical demonstration of lessons learned and aeronautical knowledge gained during training. This is the big one, this is the license I've been working my ass off for, slaving tables and putting up with the retirement community, gearing my entire life there after, all for the privilege to take to the air in a most unusual fashion, one of which that man was not originally designed for yet over came the bounds of gravity simply because he could. My chance to fly (and legally for a change)
Fortune Favors The Bold.
Wish me luck
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Things of Note
I mentioned in the last post the up and coming financial turmoil slowly boiling in congress, that if unleashed, will be a significant blow, if not total destruction of General Aviation. Many names have been passed around this grand new scheme, User Fees, Fuel Taxes, privatization of the FAA, Operation "Screw the Private and Sport Pilots" and my personal favorite "The continued support of the airline industry despite it's blatant inability to collectively get it's shit together while relying on the government, and now individual pilots, to carry it's burden instead."
The sum total of this proposed new budget for the FAA essentially places the funding out of the hands of the government and into the hands of anything and everything that isn't a major air carrier, I.E GA. I'm still sorting through the details as they emerge but rest assured nothing good can or will come of this plan. News in the coming weeks of what the exact new rules will be regarding the User Fees and additional fuel taxes, when those details emerge I'll bury myself and them and try to determine just what's going on. For more info, visit AOPA's website (Google it, I don't have the link).
On the lighter notes....yep not much going on. I'm ignoring persist ant problems with the car and looking for other pilots my age to hang out with but like me we're all buried in training. Grrr, now I know what medical residence feels like, Social life? Not so much due in at the hanger/Operating Room.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Grind the teeth, Carry On
There are times when toiling in the slave trade that is work in order to do the very thing you love to do, you find yourself stepping back and asking, “Just why the hell am I doing this again?” Tonight was such a case in point.
Amongst the regular faces we see so often at the this particular airside restaurant, there are those nights when a totally different crowd comes completely out of the blue and on those night the most important thing to remember (in my case anyway) is that 100 low lead gasoline is expensive enough o cause even the best of men to commit devious and murderous acts that even Jeffery Dahmer would find to be in poor taste. As such, I must remain on my best behavior in order to reel in enough of the glorious green in the nights earning to keep my ambitious arse airborne. Lest I be left with an unfueled aircraft, an unpaid instructor, and ( and this is probably the more important of the three although debatable if you’re a hardcore aviation addict) food in the stomach. So even though I would love nothing more that to choke to death the two picky whiny mothers and their collective total of five or six urchins, or beat the on the go jet setter, who believes that he or she has walked into a Starbucks rather than a restaurant, with the nearest blunt object I can get my hands on, I must instead remain cool, let the dice roll and play the face of charming, helpful guy who’s trying to better himself though humiliation against his college degree…
If the winds don’t lay low tomorrow and allow me to get off the ground, I’m totally going to lose my sh&#^….and take everyone who works with me out with me….
Picked up a new toy however that has brought me a good deal of satisfaction and entertainment. I’ve managed to get my hands on a Garmin GPS 195 and for a mere $150 which beats the bejebus out of the two or three hundred I’ve seen these units sell for. Quite the steal and within flying distance, so I not only got in a few worth while hours, I also had a purpose beyond learning on this particular week. A stones throw from LAL is BOW, that would be Bartow for the not flight oriented. Three runways and class D airspace, nothing I couldn't handle. By air it’s only about five or six minutes away. Of course I didn’t waste this opportunity to fly and so a ten minute there and back again trip turned into something like 1.3 hours in the log book as I stayed up s long as I could before having to report to the aforementioned means to the end. A few cross winds landings, some bumpy air, S turns over a road, steep turns, point turns and stall work, all to keep it fresh in my head and hands. For my next magic trick, a cross country with the instructor on board, hopefully with a little night time wedged in as well in the coming week. Till then, short hops and slinging food.
Stay tuned Kids, next entry I rant about the up and coming proposals for General Aviation Fuel prices by our dear and lovely congress.
Monday, February 19, 2007
I've not updated this blog in some time and it has been with reason. I simply wanted to close off for a time being until the day I could call myself, at the very least, a capable pilot. That day came on the 17 of Feb. Still smiling like ear to ear three days later.
February 17, 2007
I’ve been told that certain experiences in life will never be forgotten, others that can never be described, and still more than can only be appreciated by being there for yourself. I’ve been trying to put into words what it feels like, what one thinks and experiences when, for the first time, they climb into an aircraft and successfully fly it totally reliant upon themselves for the success (not to mention the survival) of the flight. What it is to fly a perfect pattern altitude, to set up each approach and smoothly glide to perfect greased on landings, turn around and do it again just as smoothly, just as effortlessly with out hesitation, without second guessing, for the first time to slip the surly bonds and fly free.
I don’t have clue about those perfect pattern altitudes, the text book approaches, or the greased on landings, I can tell you about bobbing up and down within 100 feet, a few S-turns and slips here and there, and wobbling on the mains after the initial contact, and above all I can say it was the most significant and gratifying moment of anything I have ever done. I don’t believe I’ve ever smiled so wide before, or held it for two days straight.
I can also tell you about taking the Option for 27 instead of the full stop and making a low pass (maybe 150 ft) at 120 on the airspeed indicator, the instructor didn’t see that coming.
Only one sentence I’ve ever heard or read sums up what it is to fly Solo for the first time.
“The most fun you can have with your pants on”
‘Nuff said.
Total time at Solo 11.9
Total PIC time .5
Total Landings 4+One pass for the fun of it.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
On This Day....
What have I learned this far.
1) Cessna's will not land sideways willingly
2) Avgas prices will force you to forget any ethics or standards you previously had in life.
3) Hours in the log book will make you feel invincible, cause a sudden urge to wear sunglasses at all hours day or night, despite the fact you still have no business in a cockpit on your own.
4) If your aircraft is equipped with a STOL kit, every highway/country road/ high school football, soccer field looks like a potential landing spot from the air.
5) You'll learn more hanger flying for 5 hours with a group of questionable souls than any amount of time spent in a plane.
(Get it? Wire HANGER, Flying)
Working at an airside anything also has it's advantages, pilots seem to tip well. In addition there seems to be a variety of interesting characters passing through. In the last two days alone that I've been working I've seen more old timer pilots than I care to remember, all of whom are still flying by the seat of their pants and generally don't trust the "new fangeld gadgets" in the cockpit. A few Navy guys passing through on check rides from airports to airports. Dale Earhart Jr. and crew. The Red Baron flight team (based here during the winter) and regulars who know practically anyone and everyone who ever worked, flew, sat foot on Lakeland airfield from 1938 till present. It's good to know these types.
Side Note: As interesting as the Baron's are, hearing two, three, four, or five Prat and Whitney 450 Engines screaming by in the AM, amusing though it is at first, gets kind of old when you have to scream at the person two feet away from you to be heard.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Saturday...I think...
Swing and a miss on the gorgeous girls, seems everyone takes the short trip to Tampa for good times on the weekends, not that it's bad thing I just have another city to explore.
Irish bar? Haven't located one yet but me thinks my efforts are not totally in vain. THE SEARCH CARRIES ON...till I pass out again.
I have, in fact, nailed down a job and as the last post suggests, it is of the cliche flight student variety. Inside the main FBO here in Lakeland in Tony's Airside Restaurant. By comparison to other FBO gin joints, this one is arguably the best I've seen and were it located anywhere else in this city with a little more space it could easily be a four star kind of place. Not too shabby and the tips flow is supposedly on the upper end. Evidently these older flying types (this is Florida after all) aren't incredibly tight with their cash. It was pointed out to me during my interview that I am, by and far, over-qualified for a job shuffling food from place to place and was subsequently asked directly why I wasn't pursuing something more related to my degree and work background. Being and honest guy and being hit square between the eyes with an honest question, I quick fired a response with a wry grin and look on my face that suggested that I was just crazy enough to put my lofty accolades on hold in order to do something that I absolutely wanted to do, rather than chase something within Sociology that would confine me to a office for the rest of my life. That, and because serving is so mindless a trained chimp could do it, I'm allowed to pour my mind into flying and studying flying related subjects, rather than trying to balance a stressful job alongside a continuing education.
The only catch is that I seem to be the sole flight student amongst the others I work with, who are there simply because it's just another job, or something to do. I see it as an opportunity to meet and network with other pilots, maybe even find a higher step up somewhere on Lakeland/Linder while I push for 85 total hours, 25 of which need to be cross county. Ah, perspective.
"But wait", you cry, "you only need 40+ for a private ticket" Yes, this I know, but I've also decided on a flight Academy. ATP pilot training, who requires the 85/25 before even considering your lowly flight student arse. So I'll be in Lakeland for a while.
Someone do me a huge favor though, if I'm stuck here longer than six months come down and get me the hell out of here, something must have gone wrong. Not that there's anything particularly wrong with living here, I just prefer larger cities.
Outside, while the rest of the world turns, El Presidente has decided to push forward another troop surge in Iraq. Yeah, because that worked so damn well the last four times, what's one more? Two new generals have been placed in command of operation in Iraq, neither of which have any readily apparent ground command experience, oh yeah this will end well. Not surprisingly Rummy's replacement isn't the sharpest knife as far as qualification goes and yet the war rages on...well after the Mission Accomplished debacle. Hey what ever happened to that other know, Afkandahar or some damn place? Didn't they have something to do with all this way back when? Must have been my imagination at work.
Congress is slowly coming out of the republican funk they've been laden in for the past, well, ever. I see the economic life support plug that's keeping this shoe string mess alive, slowly getting a hand wrapped around it. A quick yank from the wall and it will all be over. Here's hoping before myself a few friends get placed back on the outbound planes again.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Cliche Flight Student?
To stem the bank hemorraging, I've tracked down a few airport based opportunities for employment and simply must pick and choose. One that I defiantly want is an FBO slot based with Columbia Air Services. It would provide an opportunity to meet a variety of pilots while working around various types of aircraft, civilian and military as Columbia is contracted to refuel DOD aircraft that come through. I had a long and fun interview with the owner who, it seems, wants to hire me but has a full crew at the moment. The good news is that any given FBO job is essentially a revolving door and it's only a matter of patients until someone bows out. Till then, there's a always Tony's Air Side restaurant. Yes, given I'm over qualified for either of these types of employment but the key here is employment that's not demanding. My time and effort won't be wasted chasing spread sheets or marketing plans, instead I can focus purely on flying, thus finishing the Private ticket then getting the Hell out of here. ONTO ATP, to run the gamet of their Airline Career course.
Oh, one last (sort of vital) part. Located an instructor. He's an interesting character to say the least. More on him and the rest of the Lakeland crew to come.
(P.S. All attempts to correct for my inability to spell have been made, so if blogger doesn't recognise an elaborate word for bleeding, what am I to do?)
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Orange Juice Anyone?
The Cards have done it, taking Wake Forrest to win the Orange Bowl with a respectable score of 24-13. Not too shabby considering we've not put away a bowl for about 15 years. Hat's off to the boys in Red and Black, damn I wish I could have been at that game.
Farewell to the Broadcasting job and to those in the business that I've gotten to know pretty well. Absolute credit to those who keep at it, especially in these lower markets were pay in scarce and the competition is cut-throat. Fun as it's been, I can't see myself doing this as my career.
Hello Beautiful! A Cessna 172 waits for me and I'll be meeting her in about 4 days and counting. If anyone for any reason needs to locate me I can be found at the following: (CLICK to expand)
Shouldn't be too difficult to locate. Happy New Year and here's to starting over.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
High Flight
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of-wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless hall of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew-
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God
-John Gillespie Magee, Jr.
What reason could I possibly find to not fly?