What have I learned this far.
1) Cessna's will not land sideways willingly
2) Avgas prices will force you to forget any ethics or standards you previously had in life.
3) Hours in the log book will make you feel invincible, cause a sudden urge to wear sunglasses at all hours day or night, despite the fact you still have no business in a cockpit on your own.
4) If your aircraft is equipped with a STOL kit, every highway/country road/ high school football, soccer field looks like a potential landing spot from the air.
5) You'll learn more hanger flying for 5 hours with a group of questionable souls than any amount of time spent in a plane.
(Get it? Wire HANGER, Flying)
Working at an airside anything also has it's advantages, pilots seem to tip well. In addition there seems to be a variety of interesting characters passing through. In the last two days alone that I've been working I've seen more old timer pilots than I care to remember, all of whom are still flying by the seat of their pants and generally don't trust the "new fangeld gadgets" in the cockpit. A few Navy guys passing through on check rides from airports to airports. Dale Earhart Jr. and crew. The Red Baron flight team (based here during the winter) and regulars who know practically anyone and everyone who ever worked, flew, sat foot on Lakeland airfield from 1938 till present. It's good to know these types.
Side Note: As interesting as the Baron's are, hearing two, three, four, or five Prat and Whitney 450 Engines screaming by in the AM, amusing though it is at first, gets kind of old when you have to scream at the person two feet away from you to be heard.
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