Hard to believe that a month has more or less vanished since I added any inspiring, yet authentically questionable, words to this blog-o-mine. What have I been doing, where have I been, who's shooting at me, and just what the hell is going on here are all questions I've been rolling around in my own head. So anything that you've got, take a number and have a seat I'll get to your concerns when I figure it out for myself.
The last few weeks have been an adventure. Beyond scoring my pilot's license and having a damn good time on clear days, I've been traveling a great deal but more by roads than by air. Something that I've learned is that if you have a pilot's license a 14 hour drive that was already a soul crushing mindless zig-zag of highways becomes an absolute teeth grinding annoyance when you're forced by weather to long haul it from Florida to Kentucky via the great Yankee conduit that is I-75. Alas though because I am a patriot (despite the fact that the Republican party considers me otherwise because I register Independent, part of that “with us or against us mentality”...idiots) I returned to Louisville to do my duty for country and what's his name, that one dude, God or something, and continue my growing legacy with the 123 Airlift Wing...while also having a ridiculously good time with friends and family that I left behind some time ago. My two weeks spent back in the town I love was conveniently scheduled during the greatest horse racing event in the country, the Kentucky Derby! (Crafty planner I am!)

If you've never been to the Derby or experienced Louisville the week NAY the month leading up to the race then you, my friend, have no idea what kind of place that city really is when it turns on. Between the Pegasus Parade, the Air Show, Thunder over Louisville, The Great Bed Races (don't ask, I still haven’t figured out what it has to do with the event either) The Great Steam Boat race, the fashion that appears everywhere, concerts downtown, the food and multitude of festivities that can be found from block to another, a better time in another city, save for Marti Gras in New Orleans, is a hard thing to locate. The alcohol flows just as freely. If I didn't have friends and family in the Derby City I would still go there just for this event alone.
Speaking of friends and family, I spent this particular trip visiting previously unexplored areas of Louisville that before I would have simply avoided. In my adventures I got to meet a few amazing people, including the guys from the bands that played the Rudyard Kipling till dawn. It was 80’s night at my arrival but despite my lack of tight rolled jeans or custom fit vest complete with funky hair, I managed to fit in nicely anyway. Thanks to Lillyanna for inviting me out and
showing me exactly how Old Louisville gets things done. In addition to hoping from place to place, including cafĂ© 360, as well as the old watering holes down Bardstown road (Oshea’s, Flanagan’s, Molly’s respectively) I also spent a great deal of time with Aaron Mitchell, Jamie, and the rest of the house crew a mere block and a half away from the Downs. During our Derby Party/Cinqo De Mayo celebration I bartended for the back porch event, and raked in more than Aaron and crew spent on the supplies. Job well done, free alcohols to the bar keep, and thank you Jenny G for a solid night of festivities/distraction.
Words will never do the Derby justice, it's something must be experienced first hand. Find a friend who loves Horse gambling and get your asses to Churchill on the first Saturday next may. Actually, get there a week ahead of time, shell out for a room at the Galt house (yes you will pay through the nose for this and I recommend getting a reservation two years ago) and just enjoy the town I love so much. You won't be disappointed.
Off To The Race! For the first time I placed bets on a slew of contenders for the run for the roses. Two of them actually came through in spades. I've had a feeling that a change of luck was forth coming; especially after picking up my wings, this little bonus added to it that much more. It's going to be a good year.
On the Florida front, half the damn state, as well as half the damn state of Georgia has gone up in a plume of smoke and ash. Because I had to drive to Louisville it stands to reason that the return trip was also made via four wheeled transport and driving through the smoke and fire was interesting to say the least. Not quite apocalyptic but add a cast of pissed off natives with tattoos and piercings and Mel Gibson might have a run for his money. (Actually does deliverance count if you add smoke, fire and a different language?) Definitely reduced visibility, even on the ground I could barely see beyond a 1/4 mile. Flying through it would have simply been impossible on my current rating and even a tried a true IFR (instrument Flight Ref for those non aviators) jockey would have turned around before even getting close. Clogged engines and air filters do not good flying make. At one point, while passing again through the great yankee conduit, I passed several signs warning of fire and smoke, traffic detours ahead and finally the end all that I didn’t want, I-75 ahead was closed to all traffic from I-10 south. Plot a course and divert and back through Tallahassee I drove and on to Lakeland via crossroads. Eerie is the only word I can conjure to summarize that leg of the trip. Zero visibility, ash, smoke and the smell of pine trees roasting. Even after a rain shower passed through , conditions had not changed. Very glad I didn't have to fly through it.

Pre-Derby news, the Sun-N-Fun event passed while this page sat idle. What a treat that turned out to be, especially being an insider who's also in good graces with the board of directors or the event. Open pass to anything and everything, free demo flights and the watchful guide from a good friend who's leading me through the steps of self made employment. After Sun-N-Fun this year I stumbled onto several ideas that could improve not only the fly-in, but the general well being of aviation all together. Some are specific to Lakeland; some are wide range that could be very profitable. Dominos are already being lined up and it’s just a matter of time before I set things into motion. Champagne and Caviar? Not likely, but a step in the right direction towards my own cargo line. My brother and I were also requested, by name, to fly in the Cessna fly-by showcase this year using both our 172 and 150 Cessna’s. This marks the 80th year of the company's existence and a fitting tribute was made with a twenty plane fly by consisting of as many production and military Cessna representations that could be mustered, including the Bamboo Bomber. Guy and myself flew in positions five and seven behind a 140 and a “Birddog”. Nice highlight for the log book and to be asked to jump in with so little solo time following my license speaks alot about how the board of directors feels about my abilities as a pilot as well as an asset to the event. Yes, it's going to be a good year.
To wrap it up, this blog will go to a once a week updated basis, simply for the practice more than anything else, and ultimately a running commentary on the up and coming battle for the future of General Aviation. During the fly-in I became a member of AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Association) for the sole purpose of getting into the fight against the Proposed "Next Generation Air Transportation System Financing Reform Act." To me as well as thousands of others I imagine the fight is personal. We've all come this far to be Pilot's and we will all be damned before someone else tries to restrict us even further from the thing we love most in this world. This is not Europe; I will not fly by their rules. In addition this blog will be a place to throw out directions and suggestions for a product I hope to swing to market in the not so distant future. Till then, cheers and happy landings, I'm off to the Airport.